Monday, August 25, 2008

Love for the Sake of Dying

wondering wounded naked and alive
dying as a fruit of the vine, beautiful
it sheds its measure in volumes hollowed
asking no quarter for turning away to die, for you
wondering wounded naked and alive


Anonymous said...

i loved, got hurt
deeply, i hurt
but you know...
today, i have no regrets
i feel
i'm alive
i smile, a genuine smile
see, the memories will forever remain
you can't take those away
even as you cast me into the non-existent
i'm just another slut from the net... easily replaced
i figured it out...
i know, i know
i'm a slow bitch
what can i say
you killed me softly
i ate you alive
hmmm, who is more fucked
you or i?

heard this song at a club the other night... thought of you, though not sure why...

Anonymous said...

it's fading, can't You see?
no longer fed
there is nothing
not even misery

today, i thought of you
hoping for an emotional tweak
i felt only hollowness
has the stain washed clean?

"love for the sake of dying"
i think
it's already dead