Thursday, September 4, 2008


i once held in my hands
the answer to all i sought
that which would heal me
as i slipped away
a victim of myself

an embrace from you
the antidote
all that i wished for
all that i desired
held within these bleeding arms

as i watched you leave me
i could not help but smile
knowing you would always remain
within this memory of us
the angel to my devils inside

the vision of you walking away
left me cauterized
to the reality in this mind
watching without action
as i let you slip away

relieved of the only one who could save me
i was once again both lost and free
to stumble through this darkness
alone with only the vision
of that antidote lost


Anonymous said...

If poisen had a name ..besides desire ..

Anonymous said...

very empty, extremely sad,...
i used to believe in antidotes.
thanks...i think i will double the dose on my SSRI.

Anonymous said...

it's beautiful how poetry, good poetry, can evoke thoughts, feelings, and sometimes memories.

you write of emotions, desires, and fears in such a way that the reader can somehow relate.. pull something from the piece.

you are gifted with an amazing talent.
never lose that.