Thursday, February 4, 2010

the sweet goodnight

the words no longer spoken
falling away
to lay gently on the floor
beneath us
where we once stood
face to face
promising the things we could never give

the morning no longer ours
we lie
with this perpetual darkness
between us
like an empty wishing-well
back to back
and stare into the black of the sweet goodnight


mysterious said...

Ah, the Pen flows vibrantly.

i've missed Your talent.. as well as Your wickedly dark mind.

As always... Your words are few, but ever so Powerful.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, I loved it ..

Anonymous said...

The dark days, filled with heartache and lacking hope, help us appreciate the bright ones. We are each other's refuge, the origin of our strength. This shall pass, as long as we hold on to our love and remember how precious it is... Je t'aime.