Saturday, February 7, 2009

the tear of the Human Condition

ten-fold it comes back to you
like a child to the home
once made so accommodating
now the bitter rise of its steps
leading nowhere
as the cinder and ash
crumble under
the pressing wait of the inevitable

what we become
no different than the rest
despite the years of practice
without deviation from the norm
in hope of self-preservation
to grace our every move
in this process we propose
as our everyday

ten-fold it comes back to you
the tear of the Human Condition
pulling us under
in its wake of normalcy
us clinging to the sides
of the vessel we mold
to hold us intact
in our porous demise


mysterious said...

We are what we are, and some things are never meant to change.

I do like this.
It conveys much of how I have been feeling as of late.

Most of your poetry reaches out and grabs in some way, at least for me.

Publishing soon? *smiles*