Monday, January 12, 2009

a sad chain of events

i chose to cross the threshold
empty handed towards the curb
without a goodbye
or even a tear
to fog my departure
walking just as erect
as so many years ago

as with all extracting moves
the price, often overlooked at first
was both steep and swift
the loss outweighing the gain
erasing any good proceeding
my exit from this hell
pressing hard upon these shoulders

not a word from the diminished
echoed peace within my ears
only half a heart remaining
for only half a man remains
removed by his own action
leaving nothing left the same
except the screaming of the silence

the soil now lay abandoned
weeds encroaching in its place
like the ivy which consumes us
when our eyes are turned away
this subtle sweet erosion
now defines my everyday
all because the simple action of a man who stepped away


Anonymous said...

"the simple action of a man who stepped away" or the calculated choice of a man who chooses himself and his perversions over his children

OrchidMask said...

You are what mirrors are for.

Anonymous said...

Despite the catty remark, you still have talent.
Don't lose it.