Saturday, November 22, 2008

if i cared

tomorrow will never come
despite the efforts of the sun
held below the horizon
by my indifference
as the moon passes over
without shadow
casting you into the nonexistent


Anonymous said...

don't you see, tomorrow always comes, no matter if we exist in another's eyes or not. we pull ourselves up and move on, with no regrets.

life is far too short and precious to hang onto something or someone that was never meant to be. we all have our own way of testing another's mettle, to see if he or she is worthy of our efforts. better to find out too soon, then too late.

tests are amazing things.

Anonymous said...

...but, are relationships truly tests?
Is there truly right/wrong or correct/incorrect responses?

I agree life is short.
However, there is more to it than the tests to which you speak.

Anonymous said...

some relationships are tests, though i don't believe in correct or incorrect responses. sometimes a test is needed to push a person into truly opening up. unfortuantely, all of us are not free with our trust, for whatever reasons.

tests within a relationship make us look within... not always a bad thing. i think in some ways it's human nature to test (remember being a child and testing your parents, teachers, ect?)
no, life or relationships aren't only about tests, but as i stated before... they do make us search within ourselves.