Thursday, March 19, 2009


sweet, like cherry valance
you lure me in
on my knees
i smell the gold of your saffron
and take you

purple-fuchia dream
like northern lights
illuminate this dark halo
in late winter sun
longer with each dawn

replace this blanket of bleak taupe
like earth and dying
and cover me in colours vibrant
to make me feel again
before the solstice reign

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fortune Cookies*

these little sweet flowers
of long-standing tradition
individually wrapped
for you
hold the words
i can't bring you
without tears

they sit neatly stacked
on the counter waiting
to be opened and read
by you
to give you direction
i no longer have
without tears

i will keep them here for you
your collection to ponder
their meaning, their message
to you
in the hope they will guide you
like i once was able
without tears

* to Mallory

all part of the magic

this dance of nymphs and faeries
leaves a tell-tale impression
of ligature and blood
upon my hands
as these strings cut deep
casting me on you
like a shadow

as you ease into my place
you settle
and these taut cords
need little resistance to move you
cutting less than usual
i guide you with little effort
as you spiral
like a feather to the ground

for now you lie crumbled
your strings lying softly upon you
blood drying on my hands
this brief reprieve
leaving us in peace
until i wake you once more
to begin this struggle from yourself
all part of the magic of this dance